ISO 9001:2008
The Best
#1 in India
Number #1
Cranes Service in region
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Punctual Delivery Time

99% Delivered On Time

High Technology Factory

& Environment Friednly

High Standard Labors

99% QC Passed

Real Factory’s Story

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We Won Many Factory Awards & Got Many Ceritificates Since 2001-2016

Market Sectors

Real Factory’s R&D Automotive applications are aimed at giving the company a competitive edge in the automotive market.

We provides a comprehensive range of products and techniques to create value for the construction industry and support sustainable development.

High quality material produced by Real Factory backed by support of our expert consultants to fulfill a whole range of applications in the market.

We are a leading Aerospace steels manufacturer. Our special grade steels are being used in commercial and military aerospace projects.

Real Factoryl is a major supplier of products to the ship building industry. We provide wide range of products in this industry.

We provides a wide range of high performance rail products and railway infrastructure services to the international rail industry.

Career & Jobs

Working at Real Factory means being able to commit resolutely to one thing and growing from it. As an individual and as a whole – in a family enterprise that creates fascinating products around the world. Once you experience it, you’ll want to stay.


  • we rented knuckle boom crane for our project. Best rental prices and more linear towards payment.

  • One of the finest crane service in Chennai. Immediate response and low rental charge

    Arun Avp
  • Cranes are in good quality. I like the way it is and i suggest Radha cranes for the best quality.

    Gabri Darj